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Sunday, February 03, 2008

ooh it's a sunday

sundays never felt better and more 'looked-forward-to' than today's. waa... there's finally time for myself to do things that i want to do. i've started work on friday, right after the job stint at the SAP's exhibition cum IT fair. everything's happened too fast, to the extent that i felt i didnt have sufficient time to rest and recharge :( working at events is really tiring, and that's why i've decided not to do events anymore. hooh! starting to work at such short notice meant that i couldnt go kbox with cm before i start work, and of course the mental preparation and rest i needed. hai.. but then again, havent i always believed in grabbing the opportunity when it comes? guess i've done the right thing this time, though it's a bit tough at the start. oh wells, it's sooner or later kind of thing, and opportunities dont always come by.

met up with majella today! it's been so long! well, at least it seems long enough..haha! not counting the times she came to suntec to visit. ate lunch, coffee-beaned and shopped a little around J8. and i was right, my repulsion forces are working this time ;p haha! kinda nice to bum around with a smiley person today... actually i think it's more of sniggering and haha-ing person. probably too high on not having to work tomorrow or something, it's was quite infectious lah. though i dont think it was me who made her laugh so hard, it's nice seeing your companion happy. :) i was laughing at her, while she was laughing at i-dont-know-what. otah, maybe?? ;p

went to town to get working shoes after that. i think i must be mad... i bought two of them. uh cuz daddy was saying i should just get two for work and i could wear it out too. :S i think i'll have to control my spending on my stuff for the next few months. but i'll still be treating some of you, haha! somehow i think it feels better to spend on others than yourself. it's a different feeling, totally. :D

ahh tomorrow's another day... another two and a half days to go!'s not that bad for a start actually. i shall reserve my complains when everything sets in. :)


Blogger majella said...

NIHAO :D it's a new week! i understand how it feels to start a working week all over again but if you're bored, YOU CAN ALWAYS JUST DROP ME A MSG or like what i said, try drawing plants (wahahaha!). and sorry it's been a while since you've seen me like that i know, i don't know what work did to me but anyway WHEEEEEEEE heck i think i feel more normal now. so maybe that's why. :P hahahhaa YA ONE RIDICULOUS OTAHHHHHH wahahaha! you were so funny today gay. thanks for the company! :D

11:23 PM  

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