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Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I should really be studying. Or rather, doing my dumb negotiation presentation's preparation.

But I see no point, no point in the whole assignment. I just hate to do assignments that don't really serve any purpose, other than to take up a lot of my time to justify my earning of 4AUs. It's funny, and ironical, how professors and doctorates in various fields design such curriculums which are really not that insightful as one would expect from a Ph.D. It's like they have such a big idea about teaching a certain subject, and then frivolously write reports to justify the curriculum and methodology. Yeah big ideas indeed, but how much do the students benefit from it? They haven't thought of it, seriously. Because anyway, it just needs to sound good on paper, that's all. Important sounding objectives and learning outcomes, I've done some of that in events planning too. I know how tempting it is to make it sound real good when in fact, it's really just a do-for-the-sake-of-doing idea.

Projects. They really take up hell a lot of my time. Just take today for example, my group spent a good 7 hours on Fastcat. Fastcat, indeed. From 10am to 5.30pm, less the time for lunch/brunch at 3.30pm. Sigh, that's how my recess's ending up. Spending such obscene amount of time discussing and getting my points across. Sometimes I wish I was in a course that only had to attend lectures and finish tutorials. OTOT, that's what I like. I need to feel in control of my life; like, if I don't do tutorials it's really my own business. Projects are different, you have so many people to answer to. And also, so many people's opinions to hear and rationalise. I see it as a waste of time, sometimes. A task that takes 10hours to do on your own can become 18hours with the introduction of teamwork. duh

On a side note, I just hope to stay steadfast to my philosophy of doing things right. Not being too ambitious, not being toowild at heart. If I can only do one thing at a time, so be it. I'd rather do that one thing well, and get on with the other later than being so ambitious as to juggle both at one time. Chances are, those two will fall out of my reach and there, it's gone. I'm not brilliant, I admit that. But so what, life still goes on. And I can proudly say that I've done my best at that one thing, and it turned out well.


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